About Us

Our Mission

Is to enhance children’s age-appropriate growth & development.

Empower families to be the primary nurturers of their children.

Provide educational, health & nutritional services/support.

Foster cognitive, intellectual, social, emotional & physical development.

Link families to needed community services.

Ensure well-managed programs involving parents in decision-making process.

Help children to achieve high expectations for Kindergarten, Elementary & High School, advanced training, successful careers & life-long learning, so they thrive and not merely survive.

Two-way communication with families.

Collaborate with CBOs to supplement services.


Engage in collaborative teaching & PD.

We implement practices of family engagement, rigorous & developmentally-appropriate instruction & leadership.

We follow Pre-Kindergarten & toddler standards, so children gain the requisite knowledge & skills.

We are unique for teaching students to be critical thinkers outside the box & problem solvers.

We speak diverse languages displayed at international & special holiday entertainment shows with families.

Our environment is warm & comforting in our child-friendly facilities.

Passionate teachers implement NYS PKFCC & DOE EFQ & Framework for Great Schools, to advance program quality.

Credentialed teachers use ongoing, observationbased assessments, approved curricula, Key Developmental Indicators & NYS Early Learning Guidelines.

We empower families’ self-sufficiency.

Medical Policy

  • All students MUST have a current medical report on file. If the medical expires during the school year, a renewed/updated report is needed before student can return to school
  • As per DOHMH, each child MUST provide proof of having received the Flu vaccine each school year
  • After 3 consecutive days of non-COVID-19 related absences, parents MUST submit a doctor’s note in order for children to report back to school
  • Students must stay home if they have tested positive for or are showing COVID-19 symptoms
  • Students who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 must also stay home and monitor their health
  • Students must present two negative test results within a two-week span after the initial fourteen (14) day quarantine period in order to return to school
  • Reasons to keep a child home from school: high fever, thick colored mucus, vomiting & diarrhea, pink eye, stomachache etc.
  • Notify school/teacher if child is going to be absent

UPK Curriculum

Pre-K is a time of rapid growth and development. While the preschool curriculum is designed keeping in mind the physical and intellectual developmental characteristics of 2 to 5 year-olds, there are certain milestones that students should achieve before they begin the higher grades such as Kindergarten.

The curriculum supports the 5 domains of development which include:

Approaches to Learning – How children become involved in learning and acquiring knowledge

Physical Development and Health – Children’s physical health and ability to engage in daily activities

Communication, Language and Literacy – Children’s understanding, creating, and communicating meaning

Social and Emotional Development – The emotional competence and ability to form positive relationships that give meaning to children’s experiences in the home, school andlarger community

Cognition and Knowledge of the World – What children need to know and understand about their world and how they apply what they know

What Pre-K students will learn?

We will follow the Pre-K for All Interdisciplinary Units of Study prescribed by the DOE. Each month, teachers will facilitate the study of a new theme by using planned activities and transform interest areas to reflect that theme. Within these themes and units, children will explore a variety of stimulating activities and learn additional information in support of the unit concepts. Teachers will expose students to innovative ideas and vocabulary. Lesson plans and activities will be differentiated in order to meet each child’s learning needs. When it comes to the reading portion of the curriculum, students will learn, understand and use a wide variety of new vocabulary words. They will learn beginning skills of how to read and write. The math portion of the curriculum will include teaching students to count, measure, identify and create patterns, use number and word symbols etc. The arts and crafts part of the curriculum will allow students to expressing themselves through drawing and coloring activities that strengthen their fine motor development. Periodic assessments will be used to monitor how well/how soon students reach and surpass set milestones in order to help us plan for next-level goals.

Visit Us

8413 Avenue K 

(corner of E85th St)

Brooklyn, NY 11236

Contact us




M-F: 8am – 15pm